搜索到9605篇“ SOFTENING“的相关文章
An improved strain-softening constitutive model of granite considering the effect of crack deformation
This paper presents an improved strain-softening constitutive model considering the effect of crack deformation based on the triaxial cyclic loading and unloading test results.The improved model assumes that total strain is a combination of plastic,elastic,and crack strains.The constitutive relationship between the crack strain and the stress was further derived.The evolutions of mechanical parameters,i.e.strength parameters,dilation angle,unloading elastic modulus,and deformation parameters of crack,with the plastic strain and confining pressure were studied.With the increase in plastic strain,the cohesion,friction angle,dilation angle,and crack Poisson's ratio initially increase and subsequently decrease,and the unloading elastic modulus and the crack elastic modulus nonlinearly decrease.The increasing confining pressure enhances the strength and unloading elastic modulus,and decreases the dilation angle and Poisson's ratio of the crack.The theoretical triaxial compressive stress-strain curves were compared with the experimental results,and they present a good agreement with each other.The improved constitutive model can well reflect the nonlinear mechanical behavior of granite.
Yapeng LiQiang ZhangQiuxin GuPeinan WuBinsong Jiang
中国水电资源主要集中在西部高山峡谷地区,将水电站建筑物布置在极深洞室群常常是经济且较优的选择。受典型河谷地貌特征和区域强烈高地应力、高渗透压环境影响,极深洞室围岩力学特性演化规律和长期稳定性是亟需解决的关键科学问题。不同赋存深度应力环境下,水岩耦合作用对岩石力学性质的影响尚不明确,导致深部岩体工程面临一定的风险性和低效性。基于自主设计并研制的深部原位应力环境岩石饱水试验系统,开展锦屏大理岩原位应力环境与无压环境下饱水时长为1、23、60和100 d的水软化试验,并进行5组不同围压下的三轴压缩试验。研究发现:深部原位应力环境下锦屏大理岩饱水100 d后峰值强度劣化程度约为无压饱水100 d的3倍,其余力学参数(如内聚力、内摩擦角等)劣化度也远大于无压饱水条件;锦屏大理岩峰值强度劣化度随水岩耦合环境深度的增加(100、1000、1400、1800和2400 m)均呈现先减小后增大的非线性变化特征;通过探索锦屏大理岩水软化机理,发现摩擦弱化效应与孔隙水压力作用共同造就了锦屏大理岩峰值强度非线性变化规律。结果表明,原位应力环境下的水软化效应及其对围岩力学性质的影响更加突出,在对深部地下工程进行稳定性分析时必须考虑围岩水软化特性,该结论对锦屏地下工程的建设和维护具有重要的指导意义。
A Cyclic Constitutive Model Based on Crystal Plasticity for Body-Centered Cubic Cyclic Softening Metals
Under the framework of the small deformation crystal plasticity theory,a crystal plastic cyclic constitutive model for body-centered cubic(BCC)cyclic softening polycrystalline metals is established.The constitutive model introduces the isotropic softening rule that includes two different mechanisms:namely softening under monotonic deformation and softening under cyclic deformation on each slip system.Meanwhile,a modified Armstrong-Frederick nonlinear kinematic hardening rule is adopted.The appropriate explicit scale transition rule is selected to extend the single crystal constitutive model to the polycrystalline constitutive model.Then the model is used to predict the uniaxial and multiaxial ratcheting deformation of BCC axle steel EA4T to verify the rationality of the proposed model.The simulation results indicate that the newly established crystal plasticity model can not only describe the cyclic softening characteristics of BCC axle steel EA4T well,but also reasonably describe the evolution laws of uniaxial ratcheting and nonproportional multiaxial ratcheting deformation.Moreover,the established crystal plastic cyclic constitutive model can reasonably predict the ratcheting behavior of BCC single crystal as well.
Xuehong RenWenjie ZhaoShaopu YangGuilin Wen
Alternative splicing of the PECTINESTERASE gene encoding a cell wall-degrading enzyme affects postharvest softening in grape
The firmness of table grape berries is a crucial quality parameter. Despite extensive research on postharvest fruit softening, its precise molecular mechanisms remain elusive. To enhance our comprehension of the underlying molecular factors, we initially identified differentially expressed genes(DEGs) by comparing the transcriptomes of folic acid(FA)-treated and water-treated(CK) berries at different time points. We then analyzed the sequences to detect alternatively spliced(AS) genes associated with postharvest softening. A total of 2,559 DEGs were identified and categorized into four subclusters based on their expression patterns, with subcluster-4 genes exhibiting higher expression in the CK group compared with the FA treatment group. There were 1,045 AS-associated genes specific to FA-treated berries and 1,042 in the CK-treated berries, respectively. Gene Ontology(GO) annotation indicated that the AS-associated genes in CK-treated berries were predominantly enriched in cell wall metabolic processes,particularly cell wall degradation processes. Through a comparison between treatment-associated AS genes and subcluster-4 DEGs, we identified eight genes, including Pectinesterase 2(VvPE2, Vitvi15g00704), which encodes a cell wall-degrading enzyme and was predicted to undergo an A3SS event. The reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction further confirmed the presence of a truncated transcript variant of VvPE2 in the FA-treated berries.Our study provides a comprehensive analysis of AS events in postharvest grape berries using transcriptome sequencing and underscores the pivotal role of VvPE2 during the postharvest storage of grape berries.
Hainan LiuMaosong PeiCharles Ampomah-DwamenaYaxin ShangYihe YuTonglu WeiQiaofang ShiDalong Guo
A Method for Evaluating the Maximum Bending Degree of Flexural Toppling Rock Masses Based on the Rock Tensile Strain-Softening Model
Flexural toppling occurs when a series of layered rock masses bend towards their free face.It is important to evaluate the maximum bending degree and the requirement of supports of flexural toppling rock mass to prevent rock mass cracking and even failure leading to a landslide.Based on the rock tensile strain-softening model,this study proposes a method for calculating the maximum curvature(C_(ppmax))of flexural toppling rock masses.By applying this method to calculate Cppmax of 9 types of rock masses with different hardness and rock layer thickness,some conclusions are drawn:(1)the internal key factors affecting C_(ppmax)are E^(⋆)(E^(⋆)=E_(ss)/E_(0),where E_(0)and E_(ss)are the mean deformation moduli of the rock before and after reaching its peak tensile strength,respectively),the strainεt corresponding to the tensile strength of rock,and the thickness(h)of rock layers;(2)hard rock layers are more likely to develop into block toppling than soft rock layers;and(3)thin rock layers are more likely to remain in flexural toppling state than thick rock layers.In addition,it is found that C_(ppmax)for flexural toppling rock masses composed of bedded rocks such as gneiss is related to the tensile direction.
Jiongchao WangJun ZhengJichao GuoQing LüJianhui Deng
软化是果实充分成熟的标志,软化成熟的果实具有理想的色泽、风味,并积累大量的风味物质和营养物质。甜樱桃果实软化主要发生在转色期,果肉细胞迅速膨大,细胞壁开始溶解,胞间层消失,成熟期果实中细胞壁退化更为突出,细胞质的规则结构几乎完全消失。然而过度软化降低了果实对机械损伤和病原菌侵染的抵抗能力,严重缩短货架期,增加采后损失,甜樱桃果实成熟后软化已经逐渐成为产业问题。为解析甜樱桃果实软化的机制,提高果实品质,对甜樱桃果实成熟软化过程中细胞壁结构和组分变化、细胞壁降解相关酶[果胶甲酯酶(pectin methylesterase,PME)、纤维素酶(cellulase,CL)、多聚半乳糖醛酸酶(polygalacturonase,PG)、果胶裂解酶(pectate lyases,PL)、β-半乳糖苷酶(β-ga⁃lactosidase,β-Gal)和α-L-阿拉伯呋喃糖苷酶(α-L-Arabinofuranosidase,α-L-Af)]、细胞内碳水化合物代谢及激素[脱落酸(ABA)、乙烯(ETH)、生长素(IAA)和赤霉素(GAs)]和栽培环境(温度、矿质元素和栽培管理)对甜樱桃果实软化的影响等方面进行综述,并对甜樱桃果实软化在育种和分子方向的深入研究进行展望,为提高甜樱桃果实品质和贮藏性提供理论依据。
【目的】为了探讨不同软化方式对竹材结构和主要组分的影响,筛选适合不同研究目的的最佳软化方法。【方法】以厚竹(Phyllostachys edulis‘Pachyloen’)竹秆为研究对象,采用常规石蜡制片结合显微技术和紫外光谱分析技术进行研究。【结果】除了三甘醇和氢氟酸软化的材料容易破裂外,水以及其他化学试剂软化均可获得较为完整、清晰的竹秆结构。且乙二胺为竹秆显微切片制备的最适软化介质。【结论】10%乙二胺100℃水浴软化最为方便快捷,适于以结构研究为目的,木质化程度高的竹类植物显微制片。对于竹秆组成成分研究,纯水100℃水浴软化为最佳选择。该文为竹材利用基础研究提供了参考依据。
Strengthening-softening transition and maximum strength in Schwarz nanocrystals
Recently,a Schwarz crystal structure with curved grain boundaries(GBs)constrained by twin-boundary(TB)networks was discovered in nanocrystalline Cu through experiments and atomistic simulations.Nanocrystalline Cu with nanosized Schwarz crystals exhibited high strength and excellent thermal stability.However,the grainsize effect and associated deformation mechanisms of Schwarz nanocrystals remain unknown.Here,we performed large-scale atomistic simulations to investigate the deformation behaviors and grain-size effect of nanocrystalline Cu with Schwarz crystals.Our simulations showed that similar to regular nanocrystals,Schwarz nanocrystals exhibit a strengthening-softening transition with decreasing grain size.The critical grain size in Schwarz nanocrystals is smaller than that in regular nanocrystals,leading to a maximum strength higher than that of regular nanocrystals.Our simulations revealed that the softening in Schwarz nanocrystals mainly originates from TB migration(or detwinning)and annihilation of GBs,rather than GB-mediated processes(including GB migration,sliding and diffusion)dominating the softening in regular nanocrystals.Quantitative analyses of simulation data further showed that compared with those in regular nanocrystals,the GB-mediated processes in Schwarz nanocrystals are suppressed,which is related to the low volume fraction of amorphous-like GBs and constraints of TB networks.The smaller critical grain size arises from the suppression of GB-mediated processes.
Hanzheng XingJiaxi JiangYujia WangYongpan ZengXiaoyan Li
根据现有试验资料,对规范YB 9082—2006《钢骨混凝土结构技术规程》和JGJ 138—2016《组合结构设计规范》中型钢混凝土节点抗剪承载力计算公式进行计算,结果表明,规范计算结果偏于保守,且离散性较大,主要原因在于混凝土项取值过于简化,导致计算结果离散性大。基于软化效应,考虑主拉方向对主压方向强度的弱化影响,对混凝土强度、配箍率、型钢约束强度、轴压比等因素的影响进行量化分析,并提出抗剪承载力计算公式中混凝土项的修正公式,结果表明,所提公式可以合理考虑各因素的影响,提高计算结果的准确性并降低离散性。


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