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10 条 记 录,以下是 1-10
Ulysses从1994年9月到1995年6月第一次对日跨极飞行期间,发现除赤道附近±20°的区域为300~450km/s的低速太阳风以外,其余为中高速太阳风,而在±40°以上为700~870km/s的高速太阳风,而且低速太阳风与高速太阳风之间的过渡面很陡本文用三维磁流体力学(MHD)数值模型对Ulysses在太阳活动极小期观测到的太阳风大尺度结构进行了模拟这一模型将计算区域分为1~22Rs和18Rs~1 AU两部分,并将具有总交差减小(TVD)特性的Lax-Friedrich格式和MaccormackⅡ型格式结合起来.我们根据太阳光球磁场的视向分量观测确定初始磁场,并在MHD方程组中加入体积加热项,进行三维MHD模拟数值结果再现了上述观测到的大尺度太阳风结构的主要特征,与Ulysses观测基本相符这一工作说明初始磁场以及体积加热可能控制着高低速太阳风的分布。
Study of Solar Corona in China
Considerable progress for the study of solar corona physics has been achieved by China's space physics community. It involves the theoretical study of coronal process of solar active phenomena, solar wind origin, acceleration of solar wind and coronal mass ejections, observational and numerical study of these problems and prediction methods of solar eruptive activities (such as flares/CMEs). Here is a brief summary of the progress in this area. Main progress is put upon the following three topics: corona and solar wind, numerical method, prediction method.
FENG Xueshang ZHAO Xinhua
A tentative study for the prediction of the CME related geomagnetic storm intensity and its transit time被引量:5
Using 80 CME-ICME events during 1997.1―2002.9, based on the eruptive source locations of CMEs and solar magnetic field observation at the photosphere, a current sheet magnetic coordinate (CMC) system is established in order to study the propagation of CME and its geoeffectiveness. In context of this coordinate system, the effect of the eruptive source location and the form of heliospheric current sheet (HCS) at the eruptive time of CME on the geomagnetic storm intensity caused by CME and the CME’s transit time at the Earth is investigated in detail. Our preliminary conclusions are: 1) The geomagnetic disturbances caused by CMEs tend to have the so-called “same side-opposite side effect”, i.e. CMEs erupt from the same side of the HCS as the earth would be more likely to arrive at the earth and the geomagnetic disturbances associated with them tend to be of larger magnitude, while CMEs erupting from the opposite side would arrive at the earth with less probability and the corresponding geomagnetic disturbance magnitudes would be relatively weaker. 2) The angular separation between the earth and the HCS affect the corresponding disturbance intensity. That is, when our earth is located near the HCS, adverse space weather events occur most probably. 3) The erupting location of the CME and its nearby form of HCS will also affect its arrival time at the earth. According to these conclusions, in this context of CMC coordinate we arrive at new prediction method for estimating the geomagnetic storm intensity (Dstmin) caused by CMEs and their transit times. The application of the empirical model for 80 CME-ICME events shows that the relative error of Dst is within 30% for 59% events with Dstmin≤?50 nT, while the averaged absolute error of transit time is lower than 10 h for all events.
ZHAO Xinhua1,2 & FENG Xueshang1,3 1. SIGMA Weather Group, Key Laboratory of Space Weather, Center for Space Science and Applied Re-search, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
利用WIND飞船的磁场和等离子体观测数据,分析了1995年2月至2003年8月之间82个磁云中的边界层事件.我们认为(1)磁云边界层中方向间断DD(Directional Disoonltinuity)类型中RD (R0tational Discontinuity),TD(Tangential Discorltinuity),ED fEitller Discontinuity),ND (Neither Discontinuity)的分布为37:18:44:1(%),与背景太阳风中的分布51:12:35:2(%)不同;主要区别在于RD与TD的比例变化.(2)磁云边界层的内外边界切向间断的比例很高,占总数的20%,而且两侧的密度和温度平均相对变化分别为(?)=0.24和(?)=0.19,大于边界层内部的平均值,显示了更多的切向间断特征;此外,磁云边界层中方向间断的出现频次约为太阳风中的1.87倍.(3)磁云边界层中方向间断的法向分布在θ-φ平面中不是随机分布,而是以θ=-24.90°,φ=217.49°为几何中心,主要是指向远离太阳的方向,而不是简单的各向同性分布.初步结果表明,间断是磁云边界层中的重要结构,它有着不同于背景太阳风间断类型比,为诊断磁云边界层的形成机理提供了依据.
198 0年 4月 14日SMM卫星曾经观测到了爆发在两冕流结构之间开放磁场中的CME独特的传播特征以及冕流结构的畸变和偏转 .本文采用了 2 5维MHD方程 ,用数值模拟方法研究了CME和冕流结构之间复杂的相互作用过程 .模拟结果不但展现了SMM卫星所观测到的CME的独特的传播特征和冕流结构的畸变和偏转 ,而且还发现了在冕流结构和CME的相互作用中 ,冕流结构内部轴向磁场分量的反转效应 .模拟结果对磁云和磁暴活动的研究也具有一定的意义 .
Prediction method for October 2003 solar storm被引量:3
Aiming at two intense shock events on October 28 and 29, 2003, this paper presents a two-step method, which combines synoptic analysis of space weather ——“observing” and quantitative prediction ——“palpating”, and then uses it to test predictions. In the first step of “observing”, on the basis of observations of the solar source surface magnetic field, interplanetary scintillation (IPS) and ACE spacecraft, we find that the propagation of the shocks is asymmetric relative to the normal direction of their solar sources, and the Earth is located near the direction of the fastest speed and the greatest energy of the shocks. As the two fast ejection shock events, the fast explosion of coronal mass of the extremely high temperature, the strong magnetic field, and the high speed background solar wind are also helpful to their rapid propagation. In the second step of “palpating”, we adopt a new membership function of the fast shock events for the ISF method. The predicted results show that for the onset time of the geomagnetic disturbance, the relative errors between the observational and the predicted results are 1.8% and 6.7%; and for the magnetic disturbance magnitude, the relative errors are 4.1% and 3.1%, re- spectively. Furthermore, the comparison among the predicted results of our two-step method with those of five other prevailing methods shows that the two-step method is advantageous. The results tell us that understanding the physical features of shock propagation thoroughly is of great importance in improving the prediction precision.
XIE Yanqiong1, 2, 3, WEI Fengsi1, FENG Xueshang1 & ZHONG Dingkun1, 2 1. State Key Laboratory of Space Weather, Center for Space Science and Applied Research, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100080, China
WIND observations of plasma waves inside the magnetic cloud boundary layers被引量:3
Based on the WIND observational data for the plasma waves from thermal noise receptor (TNR) working on the frequency 4―256 kHz and the solar wind and the magnetic fields, we analyze the plasma wave activities in the 60 magnetic cloud’s boundary layers (BLs) and find that there are often various plasma wave activities in the BLs, which are different from those in the adjacent solar wind (SW) and the magnetic clouds (MC). The basic characteris-tics are that: (1) the enhancement of the Langmuir wave near the electronic plasma frequency (fpe) is a dominant wave ac-tivity, which occupies 75% investigated samples; (2) the events enhanced both in the langmuir and ion acustic (f < fpe) waves are about 60% of investigated samples; (3) broadband, continuous enhancement events in the plasma wave activities were observed in the whole frequency band of TNR, and about 30% of the 60 samples, however, were not observed in the SW and the MC investigated events; (4) although the ratio of the temperatures between the electon and proton, Te/Tp≤1, the ion caustic wave enhancement activities are still often observed in the BLs, which makes it difficult to ex- plain them by the traditional plasma theory. New results reported in this paper further show that the magnetic cloud’s BL is an important dynamic structure, which could provide useful diagnosis for understanding the cloud’s BL physics and could expand a space developing space plasma wave theory.
WEI FengsiZHONG DingkunFENG XueshangYANG FangLIU Rui
A comparative study on 3-D solar wind structure observed by Ulysses and MHD simulation被引量:7
During Ulysses’ first rapid pole-to-pole transit from September 1994 to June 1995, its observations showed that middle- or high-speed solar winds covered all latitudes except those between ?20° and +20° near the ecliptic plane, where the velocity was 300―450 km/s. At poleward 40°, however, only fast solar winds at the speed of 700―870 km/s were observed. In addition, the transitions from low-speed wind to high-speed wind or vice versa were abrupt. In this paper, the large-scale structure of solar wind observed by Ulysses near solar minimum is simulated by using the three-dimensional numerical MHD model. The model com- bines TVD Lax-Friedrich scheme and MacCormack II scheme and decomposes the calculation region into two re- gions: one from 1 to 22 Rs and the other from 18 Rs to 1 AU. Based on the observations of the solar photospheric magnetic field and an addition of the volumetric heating to MHD equations, the large-scale solar wind structure mentioned above is reproduced by using the three-dimensional MHD model and the numerical results are roughly consistent with Ulysses’ observations. Our simulation shows that the initial magnetic field topology and the addition of volume heating may govern the bimodal structure of solar wind observed by Ulysses and also demonstrates that the three-dimensional MHD numerical model used here is efficient in modeling the large-scale solar wind structure.
FENG Xueshang, XIANG Changqing, ZHONG Dingkun & FAN Quanlin SIGMA Weather Group, Key Laboratory of Space Weather