The squeeze cast process parameters of AZ80 magnesium alloy were optimized by morphological matrix. Experiments were conducted by varying squeeze pressure, die pre-heat temperature and pressure duration using L9(33) orthogonal array of Taguchi method. In Taguchi method, a 3-level orthogonal array was used to determine the signal/noise ratio. Analysis of variance was used to determine the most significant process parameters affecting the mechanical properties. Mechanical properties such as ultimate tensile strength, elongation and hardness of the components were ascertained using multi variable linear regression analysis. Optimal squeeze cast process parameters were obtained.
机械系统运动方案设计与选优是机械系统设计的关键步骤。提出了基于TRIZ理论(Theory of inventive problem solving,TRIZ)及FAHP(Fuzzy analytic hierarchy process,FAHP)的机械系统运动方案创新设计的集成方法。依据机械系统性能指标,构建了性能指标与TRIZ的工程参数的关联矩阵。提出了冲突矩阵的解决流程。针对机械系统运动方案评判的模糊性和不确定性,通过构造模糊隶属度函数进行选择和评价。实例验证了该方法的有效性。