Fifteen combinations crossed by five JA cytoplasmic male sterile lines (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5) and three restoring lines (R1, R2, R3) were selected to analyze the combining ability and heritability of nine main agronomic characters of Brassica na-pus L. to definite the application potential of these parent materials. The result showed that (i) the general combining ability (GCA) of male parents was R3>R2>R1 and that of female parents was A4>A1>A2>A5>A3; (i ) the special combining ability (SCA) of A2×R3 in plant height, number of branches, number of pods per plant and yield per plant was the best. The yield per plant of A2×R3, A1×R1 and A2×R1 ranked the first three places in the 15 combinations; (i i) the broad heritability of yield per plant was the highest, and that of the height of branches was the lowest. The com-prehensive characters of R3, A2 and A4 were better, which could be used to create new materials; (iv) good offspring were more likely to be chosen from the combina-tion with higher parental GCA, so the GCA and SCA should be considered com-prehensively when choosing parent and determining the optimal combinations.
通过苯磺隆、唑嘧磺草胺、精喹禾灵和烟嘧磺隆4种化学药物对甘蓝型油菜骨干自交系99-35和09QB48-54在成都地区的杀雄效果研究表明:当油菜主花序最大花蕾长度约1.50~2.00 mm,用苯磺隆第1次叶面喷施,隔10 d左右再第2次喷施,每次单株受药量15~20 m L,浓度为0.05~0.10μg/m L的苯磺隆时,可诱导群体全不育株率100%,且不产生药害,并能保持整个花期雄性不育;每次单株受药量8~10 m L浓度为0.30μg/m L苯磺隆时,可诱导群体不育株率90%以上,但结实率受到一定影响;0.30μg/m L浓度的苯磺隆涂茎二次,可诱导群体全不育株率91.16%;唑嘧磺草胺、精喹禾灵和烟嘧磺隆在本试验中没有杀雄效果。