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  • 3篇济南大学


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  • 3篇2010
3 条 记 录,以下是 1-3
Ab initio Study on Mechanism of Forming a Silicic Bis-Heterocyclic Compound Between Dimethylmethylenesilylene and Ethene
The mechanism of the cycloaddition reaction of forming a silicic bis-heterocyclic compound between singlet dimethylmethylenesilylene (Me2C=Si:) and ethene has been investigated with the CCSD(T)//MP2/6-31G* method. From the potential energy profile, it can be predicted that, this reaction has one dominant channel. The presented rule of this dominant channel: the 3p unoccupied orbital of Si in dimethylmethylenesilylene and the π orbital of ethene forming the π→p donor-acceptor bond, resulting in the formation of three-membered ring intermediate (INT1); INT1 then isomerizes to a four-membered ring silylene (P2), which is driven by ring-enlargement effect; due to sp3 hybridization of Si atom in P2, P2 further combines with ethene to form a silicic bis-heterocyclic compound.
Theoretical Study on Mechanism of Cycloadditional Reaction Between Dichloro-Germylidene and Formaldehyde
Mechanism of the cycloadditional formaldehyde has been investigated reaction between singlet with MP2/6-31G^* method, dichloro-germylidene and including geometry optimization, vibrational analysis and energies for the involved stationary points on the potential energy surface. From the potential energy profile, we predict that the cyeloaddition reaction between singlet dichloro-germylidene and formaldehyde has two competitive dominant reaction pathways, going with the formation of two side products (INT3 and INT4), simultaneously. Both of the two competitive reactions consist of two steps, two reactants firstly form a three-membered ring intermediate INT1 and a twisted four-membered ring intermediate INT2, respectively, both of which are barrier-free exothermic reactions of 41.5 and 72.3 kJ/mol; then INT1 isomerizes to a four-membered ring product P1 via transition state TS1, and INT2 isomerizes to a chlorine-traasfer product P2 via transition state TS2, with the barriers of 2.9 and 0.3 kJ/mol, respectively. Simultaneously, P1 and INT2 further react with formaldehyde to form INT3 and INT4, respectively, which are also barrier-free exothermic reaction of 74.9 and 88.1 kJ/mol.
Density Functional Theory Study of Mechanism of Cycloaddition Reaction Between Dimethyl-Silylene Carbene and Acetone
The mechanism of the cycloaddition reaction between singlet dimethyl-silylene carbene and acetone has been investigated with density functional theory, From the potential energy profile, it can be predicted that the reaction has two competitive dominant reaction pathways. The presented rule of this reaction: the [2+2] cycloaddition effect between the πorbital of dimethyl-silylene carbene and the π orbital of π-bonded compounds leads to the formation of a twisty four-membered ring intermediate and a planar four-membered ring product; The unsaturated property of C atom from carbene in the planar four-membered ring product,resulting in the generation of CH3-transfer product and silicic bis-heterocyclic compound.